Blade Pro Basics Tutorial

                 Whenever experimenting with computers, I always find it prudent to keep notebook and pen at my desk so that I can jot down settings and stuff. This applies to making graphics, websites or programs. It can be indispencible. You will find this is so when making your own presets with Blade Pro.
                 Create a folder in your plugin directory and name it 'My Presets!' or whatever strikes your fancy. Just remember what you named it. This is something you may want to jot down in your notebook.
                 Download the graphics by clicking here and place it in the folder. DO NOT EVER change the name of the graphic once you use it in a preset, otherwise you may not remember what graphic you used and your preset won't be able to tell you, because it will want that graphic under its original name. This is something else to jot down, and if you do change the name, you can jot that down next to the original name. Sounds like a lot of jotting, but believe me, you will be glad you took the time!!!
                 Also included in that zipped file is the preset blank.q9q. We will use this to set all our settings to zero and white. Because we will be learning abit about the settings and stuff before we move on.
                 To begin, open a new graphic that is 300 by 300. The reason we want a window this size is so that we can check out our preset in several mediums; rectangles, font and ding. That way you can get a true idea what it looks like, cuz what looks really good in a rectangle may look really crappy in a ding or font.
                 In the middle of your window, make a rectangle. But leave enough room to fit a 72pt font above it and a 72pt ding below it. Once you make your rectangle you can bring up Blade Pro. The next page should show you what your Blade Pro window should look like. The window itself hasn't changed much in the last few versions.

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